
How to fix quickbooks error 404

May 17, 2024

We usually use a web browser to access any website on our local PC. And we often saw a 404 error when any site is no longer in service, or the particular web address is not available on the server database.

Similarly, when users try to access quickbooks online, then users see quickbooks error 404. Because sometimes QB goes under Maintenance work, hence when you send a request for access to quickbooks online through a web browser, then your browser is unable to fetch data from the quickbooks server.

Causes Behind quickbooks Error 404

quickbooks error 404 can occur for several reasons. And the reason may be local system-based or external INTUIT server-based. We have described both types of reasons below. So stay with us to solve error code 404.

  • quickbooks URL that you entered in web-browser is expired.
  • You have entered the wrong URL or type in the wrong pattern.
  • Slow internet connection impact on the accessibility of quickbooks
  • You have opened various tabs in the browser. Hence the web browser gets crashed.
  • Your computer affected by viruses and malware
  • Users did wrong configuration settings of your antivirus or firewalls. Hence antivirus doesn’t allow your browser to access QB online.
  • Another reason behind quickbooks error 404 is, unwanted history or caches because When you type a new URL into a search bar, the web browser automatically takes an old URL from the past and generates error 404.

So in our investigation, we found only these reasons behind the quickbooks error 404. All the solutions we share with you are based on it. Another thing we want to share with you is that error 404 appears on different user’s PCs with different names.

Like some users can also see “page not found,” Domain expired. But you don’t need to take tension about it. Below we mentioned all required steps to fix quickbooks error 404.

How To Resolve quickbooks Error 404

If you are facing first-time quickbooks error 404, then our advice is to wait for some hour. Because sometimes Intuit has taken quickbooks under maintenance. And this issue gets resolved automatically after a few hours. But if you are getting error 404 repeatedly. Then you must follow the below guidelines in order to fix quickbooks error code 404.

Steps to Resolve quickbooks Error 404

quickbooks(QB) is a necessary tool for our small business. So it is essential to run smooth quickbooks. Because if we are stuck into any QB error, then we can’t work correctly. So let’s follow the below steps to fix it.

Step 1 Check quickbooks online URL
Most quickbooks users enter the wrong URL, or incorrect URL format to access quickbooks. Hence their web browser throws an unexpected error 404. So let’s see how to resolve it step by step.

Step 2 Use Private Browsing(Incognito Mode)
Private browsing mode doesn’t use browser history and caches. So it’s better to practice working in incognito mode. Let’s see how to use a private browsing window.

  • First, open your favorite web browser like chrome.
  • Go to settings and click on a new incognito window, or you can also use short key ctrl+shift+n.
  • Now try to access quickbooks accounting web application.

Step 3 Check Internet connectivity.
First, make sure your ethernet cable is attached to your computer, and if you are using wifi then. Check your connection is established correctly or not. If everything is correct, then follow the below steps to fix quickbooks error code 404.

  • Try to run other websites if they are are not working. Then contact your internet service provider, they will assist you in how to fix it.
  • Now, if you can access another website but cannot access quickbooks website, restart your PC and follow the next step.

Step 4 Set quickbooks As Trusted Website in Web-browser

  • Type chrome in the search bar that appears jus next of window’s home icon
  • Click on the three-dot icon then select the setting.
  • Now scroll down at the end of settings list and click on Advance settings.
  • Select change proxy settings> Security >Sites.
  • And enter quickbooks official login URL in the Add URL field.
  • Click on the Add button and restart your system.

Step 5 Use quickbooks Tool Hub

quickbooks tool hub is a combination of different error-fixing tools. It helps the user to fix common errors of quickbooks automatically. So let’s see how to fix quickbooks error 404 with the quickbooks tool hub.

  • First, download and install the QB tool hub in your system.
  • Make sure your firewall has not blocked the quickbooks tool hub.
  • Now open tool hub and go to the Network issue tab.
  • And run quickbooks database server manager, it will help you to access your company file on the server.
  • Then select your company file via browse button and click on Start scan.
  • After finishing the scan process, you will be able to use the company file on quickbooks online.

Similar to the Network Issue tab, you can use the installation issue section for the quickbooks desktop. So we hope you have to kill your quickbooks error.

Step 6 Reconfigure System Settings

If the above all steps are not suitable for your quickbooks error 404, you must restore your window. And then log out from quickbooks and restart your PC(personal computer).

  • Update your operating system because the updated version automatically fixed various issues of the system.
  • Open run window by pressing widow+R key
  • Then enter Msconfig inside the run textbox and hit the enter key
  • Now click on general settings and select Selective-startup from the Startup selection.
  • Finally, restart your PC and try to use quickbooks where you get quickbooks error 404.

Final Advice

So we hope you have resolved your quickbooks error 404. But in the future, if you don’t want to get stuck again in such kind of error, then regularly clean your browser history and caches. It’s not important only to keep away from quickbooks errors but also to keep safe your login credentials.

Because web-browser usually saves your password in their cache memory. And this can be the reason for your password theft. Because hackers are often attacking your browser history and cache, and retrieve your login credentials so that they can harm your essential data.


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