How to Effectively Use Social Media for Business?

March 30, 2023

It’s safe to say that social media has taken over the whole world. It’s present in almost all aspects of our lives and allows us to communicate with people around the globe. Another major thing social media has influenced a lot is the way we run our businesses.

Social media can help us build a larger audience and make communication with clients easier. However, there are certain things we should think about before establishing our social media presence. This is why we’ll share some tips on how to successfully run your business social media accounts.

Pick the Right Social Media Platform

Choosing the right social media platform for your business is essential for brand visibility and growth. There is an abundance of platforms you can use to promote your business. They are all very similar in the sense that they encourage interaction between their users. 

However, different platforms are better suited for different media. While some social media platforms focus on short videos, others are better for posting photos or text.

What also makes them different is their target audience. For example, young professionals tend to be on LinkedIn, while younger audiences are more likely to frequent platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

So, your choice of a social media platform will depend on both the target audience and the format you feel suits your business the best. Determine your target audience and the format you’re most comfortable using.

Before deciding where to promote your business, go to custom web design company – Digital Silk and find a digital marketing agency that can help you further develop your social media strategy.

Now, let’s see what some of the most commonly used social media platforms are:


Facebook is one of the first social media platforms and one of the largest ones, with over two billion users worldwide. It’s an excellent solution for small businesses because it’s a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience.

You can create a business page on this platform and use it to spread brand awareness, run campaigns, advertise and sell your products or services., etc. 


Another huge social media platform used by millions of people every day is YouTube. Youtube focuses on video content, so you’ll need to have a good understanding of video production and video editing to get the most out of it. 

You can create standard YouTube videos that can last from a few minutes to several hours, or you can create YouTube Shorts for shorter, more straight-to-the-point video clips. It all depends on your content strategy.

Before you upload your video on YouTube, you can link your business’s website and other social media you use in the video description. Another great advantage of using YouTube videos for promoting your business is that they can appear in Google search results, helping you attract more customers.


Instagram is popular with younger users. In fact, its target audience mostly consists of teens to adults in their twenties and thirties. For this reason, you shouldn’t focus too much on it if your target audience is above 40 years old. 

This app heavily focuses on different visual formats, such as stories, reels, and video posts. So, if your business offers something related to fashion, travel, food, or beauty—Instagram is the right platform for you.


LinkedIn is the largest platform for professionals and businesses. It’s a great way to share industry-related news and build relationships with potential customers, partners, and investors. With this platform, you can also find new employees, discover new opportunities and trends in business marketing, participate in discussions, and show off your industry expertise.

Plan Your Content In Advance

You must plan your content well in advance and post it regularly. The biggest mistake you can make is posting content on your social media when you feel like it or only when your business hits a milestone. 

Still, keep in mind that posting frequently is not enough. You need to make sure that your posts are valuable, relevant, and entertaining to make a lasting impression on your audience.

A social media calendar can help you plan and track the progress of your campaigns and ensure that you are regularly posting quality content on the right platform.  With a calendar, you will also avoid stressful situations and reposting your content over and over again.

Using a social media calendar includes planning

  • What content you will post (like images, captions, blogs, videos, etc.)
  • On what social media platform you will post it (for example, the best time to post on Instagram is 6 to 9 pm)
  • The date and time you will post your content.
  • Figuring out what links or hashtags you can include in your post.

You can also schedule your social media posts in advance. This will allow you to create and post content on a regular basis without having to manually post each update. Content scheduling tools can be especially helpful for businesses or organizations that need to post information in a timely manner to keep their followers up to date. 

Encourage Engagement with Your Followers

There’s a reason why the platforms we mentioned have the word “social” in their name— it helps people interact with each other easily.  

As we already said, your content should bring value to your followers and subscribers. It must intrigue them, as well as give them helpful information. You can use your business social media accounts to ask your audience questions, repost from other creators, or comment on posts. You want to make yourself present.

Apart from posting valuable content regularly, make sure you promptly reply to comments left on your posts. Also, always remain professional. Your followers must feel comfortable interacting with you, even if you sometimes don’t see eye-to-eye.

This way, you will create a community on social media, build stronger relationships with your followers and increase the chance of turning your followers into customers. 

The way the algorithm works for most social media platforms is it “awards” accounts that are communicating with them regularly. Remember—the more you interact with your followers, the higher the chance you will appear on their feed.

Keep Up With the Latest Trends

Another way to engage with your followers is to check out the latest trends and viral jokes on the internet. Trends change quickly, and that also applies to social media. You can use trending memes, for example, to connect with your followers and make yourself more relatable to your audience. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean every meme you see is appropriate to what your business does. If you make even a slightly inappropriate joke, it could cost you losing followers and ruin your reputation. 

Influencers are a big part of social media. As their name suggests, they influence their audience. They can convince their followers to buy or avoid buying certain products through their social media posts. So partnering with them can attract new customers.

Like regular businesses, influencers have their niche and interests, so make sure to find someone whose values align with yours. Make sure they are trustworthy, too, because if they have a history of scamming people for money, chances are your partnership might not bring you the results you want.


When used right, social media can be an excellent tool for building brand awareness and growing your customer base. Social media space is constantly evolving and creating new opportunities, so it is essential to keep up with it and always find new ways to promote your business.

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