General Ledger in QuickBooks

QuickBooks General Ledger – How to Prepare & Print in QuickBooks

March 27, 2024

QuickBooks general ledger uses to store and manage all your documents and financial transaction records. So, in QuickBooks general ledger keeps present and past records also. Therefore understanding the working of general Ledger in QuickBooks is very essential to all small business owners.

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This article will discuss how to generate, make, and read General ledger QuickBooks. Using this you can also create a report of past and future financial transactions in the business. You can also make the bookkeeping easy and automatically post the transaction and calculate the income. You can also keep your data up to date anytime and anywhere.

QuickBooks sync is always installed on your computers to run the business fastly through QuickBooks. You can read our article and check how to create a ledger and store business and financial information.

What is General Ledger?

General Ledgers are used to keep and manage all the transactions. These ledgers contain all the past and present records which are very important for all small business owners.

What is General Ledger in QuickBooks Desktop?

QuickBooks general ledger is a report of all the transactions done through credit or debit accounts. The business owner and the accountants can pull the record through this ledger and can check the summary of all the transactions till date.

How does QuickBooks General Ledger Work

The QuickBooks general ledger works are described in proper ways that are following as:

  • To check the invoices and deposits you need to create the entries for your accounting system. Get stay information then you have to go to the general ledger and write a check to pay the rent. Then the transaction is divided into two accounts in general. It will credit to your business bank account and debit your rent from the expense account.
  • It utilized the double entries accounting method. If you are a business owner then recommended double entries for more growing your small business. The single-entry accounting method is correct and every general ledger accounting leads to having a normal.
  • QuickBooks general ledger cannot hit every transaction and general some transactions in QuickBooks Online. It can be optimized the non-posting and don’t touch general ledger QuickBooks.

The list of general posting or non-posting in QuickBooks Online

Credit MemoCredit Delayed
Sales receiptCharge Delayed
ExpensesPurchase order
Cash ExpensesTime tracking

Needs of QuickBooks General Ledger

Now we can explain the needs of general ledger QuickBooks into the points. Furthermore, we described all the requirements for creating financial reports and storing the financial data following as:

  • Ensure that the books are Accurate:- A general ledger is a useful tool to view your spending for an orderly tracking of your business, it helps to detect the mistakes made on the data entry that can be checked where the number will not come accurate.
  • Track Financial Expenses:- You can track the financial expenses through the general ledger expenses all the past and future financial statements can be tracked and you can make the correct data entry with the help of tracking financial expenses.
  • Tracks your Company Transaction:- To track the various transaction such as personal deposit funds send to your business bank account, and paid business expenses with the personal funds the general ledger can help to transfer these funds safely and securely.

The basics things of General Ledger

Where We do our record-keeping by hand and you can separate journal tasks. These three main journals are the following:

  • Account Receivable: The daily records of company sales and receipts and invoices that the client cannot be paid these things to stores in the records.
  • Account Payable: Purchases and invoices record of the company it can contain that cannot be paid by customers.
  • Payroll: It maintains the records of employee’s compensation. Also, the check will return to pay the employee and related to payroll taxes.

How can read the QuickBooks General ledger?

You do your bookkeeping now and get it outsourced from someone. It is important to be familiar with the general ledger QuickBooks. Every financial transaction can be affected by the business in the form of posted transactions.


  • Asset: This includes cash holds by you and your saving as real states, etc.
  • Liabilities: This includes payable accounts and loans.
  • Stockholder Equity: these are retained earnings and common stocks.
  • Operating revenue: This includes the revenue collected with the help of sales.
  • Expenses operating: This includes your salaries and house rent, etc.
  • Gains investment and non-operating revenue: This includes investment and income of your business.
  • Non-operating expenses and losses: This includes interest expense etc.

In case there was no activity perform done in any accounts described above. You cannot see the account reflected while performing ledger accounting.

Prepared the Journal Entries

Now we can explain how to prepare the journal entries in the general ledger. There are steps to read how to create and prepare it the steps are following as:-

  • Go to the company menu and choose the journal entry option.
  • In the make of journal entries window, change the data field.
  • Now you can enter any number in the journal entries in entry no. field.
  • After entering the general journal Entry number select the first account in the journal entries.
  • Now enter the credit and the debit amount for the account in the journal transaction.
  • Type the memo that can describe the transaction that will be displayed in the reports.
  • Select the name of a customer, vendor, or employee associated with the transaction.
  • Now select the expense account along with the customers.
  • Then assign the class for the amount.
  • Repeat the steps and enter the distribution line until the transaction balance gets zero. Furthermore, make sure the debit card column is equal to the credit card column.

How to print General ledger entries in QuickBooks Desktop?

Once you create a General ledger then it is quite easy to print it. In order to Print the General ledgers first, you have to log in to your QuickBooks Desktop account.

In the Reports, the option goes to the Accounts and taxes section and then click on the General Ledger option, and then you will be taken to the print screen where you can customize the formatting option to print the ledger. After you are done with the formatting you can click on the Print the General Ledger button and print the ledger.

We already told you Printing These ledgers is Quite Easy.

Steps to Run QuickBooks General Ledger Report in detail

  • In the report option > Create a new General Ledger.
  • In the Format, tab click on Detail.
  • Now in the Drop-Down menu in the reports. You can select the Detail option if you want to show all the Transactions or you can choose Option if you want to see only net change.
  • Uncheck the Summarize account details by source transaction if you want to see each transaction in detail.
  • In the end, Click on the preview option to see all the Transactions.


Hopefully, this blog helps you to understand all the information about the QuickBook general ledger Desktop. Which one helps you to manage and understand the QuickBooks general ledger online in an effective way. Besides, we recommend checking your profit and loss at least in a week with the help of QuickBooks general ledger.


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