
quickbooks file extension

March 27, 2024

First of all, do you know what a file extension is? File extensions are used to save the data of all important files on the quickbooks desktop. Each extension files have a unique name, now in our article, we explain how to use the quickbooks file extension in quickbooks Desktop Extension. This is an important part of saving your data and enhancing your business because of them you can store all important files and reports can be saved in a secure folder.

In other words, the file extension has a unique extension, it can be based on which type of quickbooks version you use. If you are using the quickbooks version such as quickbooks 2016, quickbooks Enterprise 2018, quickbooks desktop 2020, etc., we will mention the extension name used. quickbooks Desktop. In this article, we also explain about quickbooks backup file extension, quickbooks is suitable for all file files such as company file extensions, loan manager files, payroll files, accountant files, etc.

Importance of quickbooks File Extension

It is the most important thing to save your data and backup your data and data can be retrieved and saved easily in quickbooks desktop use of the file extension. The importance of quickbooks file extension points are the following:

  • It can quickly identify the nature of file contents.
  • With the help of quickbooks, file extension makes file searches easy.
  • File extension provides a simple method to keep your file of the same type together.
  • Easy to identify any kind of file just looking at a filename.
  • It helps to identify the types of files.
  • The File extension maintains the security of files.

Here all the features we have defined to understand the quickbooks file extension and its uses in our article.

The types of quickbooks Company File Extension

Here we explain all the file extension types with some description you can check here and easily understand the Company file Extension the table is described that:

Extension NameFile TypeDescription
AIFIt is an Accountant Review Copy (Import file)This file is created when the accountant copy is exported to import to the user company file.
.BDBIt is Timer Backup FileWhen the user is attempting to quickbooks backup file for backup time data in quickbooks Pro Timer then create this file.
.BMPIt is Window Bitmap FileIt contains the Bitmap images used by the quickbooks software.
.BPWBusiness Planner FileThis files not back up with the company file, it needs a separate copy of the backup.
.DESIt is Form Design Template FileWhile exporting the form design from the template then it file can be created.
.DOCWord DocumentThis document is used to write letters and functions etc.
.IIFIt is Intuit Interchange Format FileIt is used to import and export the list via text file (.IIF) extension and quickbooks SDK are used to read and write the data for quickbooks and another application.
.LDBMS Access file for Timer DateThis is an MS Access file that is required.TDB file
.INIConfiguration FileThis file is supported Online banking
.LGBIt indicates Little Green BoxThe LGB file contains encrypted information related to the user name and password. This file is used when your SDK app is connected to a Company file and it open to an unattended mode and with a Sybase server open file with user name and password.
.LMRLoad Manager DataThis type of file is made by the loan manager and also stored information related to the loan, you have to copy this file for backups
.NDNetwork Data fileIt allows accessing the quickbooks company file and keeps your file it does not get deleted
.NPCOnline Banking File(obsolete)It is used by QB Former version and financial institutions no longer support it.
.QBAIt is an Accountant Review CopyIn which the accountant restore a QBX format and given.QBX format
QBA.TLGTransaction Log File for Accountant Review CopyWhen you back up the Accountant review copy, quickbooks get offers a QBA.TLG log of transaction that will reach the last time Continuous. If you can be lost your data that use of log file you can easily retrieve data.
QBBquickbooks Backup FileIt is a quickbooks Company Backup file if you want to open the QBB file go to the file menu and click to restore button
QBI Extensionquickbooks Image FileThe image file will hold the transaction until you file transfer to the hard drive. The file stores in memory residents are changed to the data file. When you close the data file then the image file will be automatically deleted, if your quickbooks is not running when you had a file open. Keep your QB file when the QBW file is open in quickbooks.
.QBMquickbooks Portable Company FileIt is smaller than the QBB or QBW file and contains all the data but it cannot contain the database indexing. Useful for transferring the file through the internet.
.QBOIt is a Web Connect FileIt is also known as a web connecting online banking download file. This file was downloaded from the bank while using the web connect method for online banking.
QBWquickbooks for Window Company FileIt is the primary type of file in quickbooks
QBW.TLGIt is a log transaction file for quickbooks Company fileIt can help to retrieve your lost data
QBW192.168.X.XXmtaIt is a Temporary Database FileIt is made by the database manager while you opening the company file, if you open the main file the temporary file will be deleted
.QBXAccountant Review CopyWhen you generate the accountant review copy of the quickbooks company file then QB generates the review copy and gives the.QBX Extension
.TDBIt is a quickbooks Pro TimerIt is a time tracking data for quickbooks Timer
Archive Copy XX/XX/200X



Archive the copy of the data fileA separate QBW file and gives a name Archive copy it is followed by the QBW file name. before the condensing, the file is an exact copy of the Company file. you can use this file to view information that is present in the unmodified file.
CONNLOG.TXTConnection Log FileIt is the Online Banking Connection Log file that provides the log connection


with each online banking

DownloadQBXX FolderDownload the folderFor an updated quickbooks function get the download in the Download folder
Image FolderIt is an Image FolderIn which stores the temporary copies of an image
Inet FolderInetIt is used to store the license information for quickbooks
QBInstanceFinderInstant Finder FileIf any file you will be deleted it comes again due to this finder file.
QBrestor.TMPTemporary Restore the FileThis file is used to storing the QBB file when it can be deleted automatically when the restoring process.
Qbwin.logIt is a quickbooks log fileWhen you verify the run option the file is created and updated option, it helps to find the log problems and get the situation corrected.
quickbooks Letter Template FolderIt is a Letter Folderthe letter folder in Which the word document template contains.
Temp1234.qbtTemplate Rebuild FileIt created the rebuild your file then deleted automatically when it finished rebuilding.

quickbooks File Extension For Windows

For window desktop, the file extension contains as follows:

  • .QBX Extension- it is created an export file when the client sends the file to the Accountant.
  • .QBY Extension-Before the client submission that file by an accountant created an import file.
  • .QBM Extension-It is a portable Copy of the Company file it helps to send and receive the files.

quickbooks File Extension File for Payroll Files

For the payroll files, the extension is used as follow:

  • QPD– it is a QuickPay data file is created by quickbooks Payroll version.
  • 1PA-It is an extension for 940 and 941 form tax files.
  • TXT and SET– /It is a quickbooks version of 2.0 and 2.1.
  • Taxtbl.usa.-It is the extension of quickbooks version 3.1.
  • (Qpconvrt.log)-This log file stores the payroll warning message.

I hope after reading this post you understand what is quickbooks file extension and which file extension contains what kind of data and for any other query you can contact quickbooks support.


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