Quicken Error CC-502

How to Resolve Quicken Error CC-502

December 17, 2022

Suddenly get a popup of Quicken Error CC-502 then keep calm, don’t try to deactivate or reactivate your account for resolving that issues. You may get that error when trying to update bank account in quicken and if after sucessfully geeting access to quicken, if you ger error cc502, that means your ban server is in mentinance mode. If you get error code cc-502 due to server issue and want to know how to resolve this error then read this, By reading this post you will understand how to fix quicken error cc- 502 and understand many other points.

Symptoms of Quicken CC-502 error

Take a look at the given points:

  • If you receive a CC-502 error, we recommend that you first check the Quicken community for alerts to common problems.
  • This error message is usually caused by the maintenance of your bank’s website.
  • You can try again in a few hours or the next business day.

If the problem persists after one business day, the following steps should resolve your problem.

  • If waiting does not solve the problem.
  • Open the Account Transaction tab with the error message.
  • Click the speed icon in the top right of the tab and choose Update Now.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to update.
  • Repeat these steps for each account with this error.

What causes Quicken Error CC-502

there are some reasons behind Quicken Error CC-502, Few of them are given below:

  • An outdated version of Quicken: This problem arises when your bank makes some modifications that are not configured in Quicken. Any single change in their web server can interrupt the updating process. Therefore, to avoid Quicken Error CC 502 you need to install the latest version of Quicken.
  • Online account details are not synchronized: Another reason behind Error CC-502 can be the account details out of sync. In such circumstances, you need to refresh the details.
  • Quicken file is corrupted: This error may also arise when the folder storing Quicken data gets corrupted.
  • Bank web service under Maintenence: Many times, the bank web service undergoes maintenance which leads to quicken CC-502.
  • Virus Attack: Any malware or virus attack can also result in this error. Hence you should always keep your system junk-free.
  • Improper installation of Quicken: There are instances wherein you do not install the software properly or the installation is incomplete.

Solution to fix Quicken Error CC-502 When updating Accounts

Step-1: Ensure that you’re with the latest Quicken release.

  • Open Quicken
  • Go to Help > Check for updates
  • If a new release is there, Click Yes.
  • Click Update then Yes.

Step-2: Refresh Online Banking Information

  • Go to the particular account from Account Bar with an error code.
  • Click on the right side gear icon with a downwards arrow or press Ctrl+Shift+N
  • Click on Update now (Ctrl+Alt+U)
  • Make a checkbox and type the password on the particular account
  • Click Update Now
  • Alright, One Step Update Summary will show you the status
  • If the Account is fully updated that’s great or still having Quicken Error CC-502 proceed with Step 3.

Step-3: Validate Quicken Files and Deactivate Account

  • Go to Tools > Account List.
  • Under the account, list click on Edit for the account that has this error code
  • Click on Online Services
  • Then Click On Deactivate and Click Yes to Confirm.
  • Click OK and Done.
  • Go to File > File Operations > Validate and Repair…
  • Make a check to the Validate file and click OK.
  • A save transaction window may open click on Save.
  • Now the file is Validating (This process may take some time depends upon your Quicken file size.)
  • Once validation has been completed, you’ll get a DATA_LOG which will show if any damage is there in Quicken files or not.
  • Close DATA_LOG notepad.
  • Reactivate the deactivated account to do so, Go to Tools > Account List (Ctrl+A)
  • Click Edit > Online Services > Set up Now…
  • Put in your username & password for the account and Check to save the password
  • You may be promoted to enter Quicken ID & Password or Vault Password
  • Click Connect.
  • In the process to reactivate the account Quicken will show you your account information make sure to LINK your account instead of adding it again
  • It will be gonna work this time but if not, please check Step 4.

Step-4: Create a New Quicken File to ensure if the Account gets Connected.

In this step, we’ll create a new Quicken Test File and add the same account in which we have Quicken Error CC-502 with the original Quicken file. If it works on Quicken Test File it means we have some problem with the original data file and if not so you have to check with your financial institution.

  • Click File > New Quicken File…
  • Choose New Quicken File and Click OK
  • Give a name to a Test file.
  • You’ll be asked to sign in with Quicken ID and Password
  • Click on Add Account
  • Select your account type like Savings, Checking, Credit Card, etc.
  • Select the same financial institution in which we have Quicken error code cc-502
  • Put the username and password for your financial institution
  • It will add an account with a Test file.
  • Click Finish
  • Once an account added, click on it from the account bar
  • You’ll be able to see all of your upcoming transactions click on Accept All to get them in the register.
  • To make sure everything is fine, update your bank account in Test File. Once successfully updated click Close
  • Now Go to File > Click on Original File from the bottom
  • Now we have to add this account again to do that
  • Go to Tools > Add Account…
  • Choose your account type and financial institution for the same account
  • Put the username and password
  • Click on SignIn
  • Click On Connect
  • This time it will add to your original Quicken File
  • Click Next and once the account added click Finish
  • Now we’ll have to confirm that there is no more Quicken Error CC-502 with the original Quicken File.
  • Click on One Step Update Icon
  • Only mark that account in which we were having Quicken Error CC-502 and put the password
  • Click on Update Now
  • Once it says One Step Update Complete
  • Click Close.

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