Quickbooks Error 6190

How To Fix quickbooks Error 6190 & 816?

December 17, 2022

While trying to access the company file path on the hosted computer but the file is not accessible from a hosted computer or software generates a popup of QuickBooks Error 6190. Due to this error if you are also unable to access the company file in a multi-user mode and want to know why I get this error & which is the easiest way to solve this error. Then carefully read every point, bellow we discussed the causes of error 6190 all possible solutions which are necessary to fix this problem.

Cause Of quickbooks Error 6190

Before moving to solutions to fix quickbooks error -6190 we must need to to understand why quickbooks software generate this error, that restrict us from accessing quickbooks company or company data. If you want to understand why get Error code 6190, then read bellow discussed points, by reading these points you will know why you get this error code or what is restristicing you from accessing your company file.

  • Logfile unavailable: When any company has done any transaction then quickbooks generate logfile & QB sore this log file as company file name.QBW.tlg file. Hence you can’t open it to convert this file into the company data file. So when.Qbw file doesn’t match the tlg file then we get QB error 6190.
  • Single User Mode: When any user tries to access the company file in single-user mode. So for your information, we inform you, Intuit quickbooks has some restrictions in a single-user mode like we cant disable quickbooks manager in single-user mode, and due to this, we get a 6190 error code.
  • Update failure: Sometimes company file started to update in the new device but it can’t update the transaction file then in that case we get 6190-816 error.
  • Data Corruption: If quickbooks data file has been deleted from quickbooks directory list then we have this QB error.

How to fix quickbooks Error 6190 & 816

By reading the above-discussed points we clearly understand the causes of error 6190 & 816 and now its time to fix this error. To fix error codes 6190 we need to many types of changes and need to verify setting, to do all these follow the bellow mentioned points.

Solution 1: Use the quickbooks File Doctor tool

First try to fix error 6190 with quickbooks file doctor.

  • Open your quickbooks as an administrator
  • Run quickbooks file doctor
  • Then you will get two option from them select the 1st option that detects all damaged or corrupted file
  • Then enter the admin password if need
  • Then in the next step again you will get two option which is file is on Workstation or Server
  • Then option according to your file type or click on process.

Solution 2 Fix by renaming company file

  • Open the folder that contains the company file
  • Then search for a file
  • After getting the file right-click on that to rename
  • Then same as company file rename transaction log file
  • After that exit from this process
  • Then open QB & login to the company file

Try in a single user mode

  • Logout from all users
  • After that restart, you computer or device
  • Then copy the file on the desktop or any other location
  • Then copy the file to its original location
  • Then log in to QB.

After trying all these steps you can easily fix quickbooks error 6190 & 816 and to avoid that type of error or troubles in the future always keep your quickbooks updated. And if you after following this step if you are unable to fix this error then try to fix it by getting the latest updated version of the window.


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