How to fix quicken error cc-505?

How to fix quicken error cc-505?

December 17, 2022

Hi, user are you are unable to update your bank account transaction in Quicken due to temporary server issues or connectivity error or get a quicken error cc-505 with error message Quicken cant add this account, or the website is temporarily unavailable. Then don’t worry you are at the best place, here we tried to discuss all possible causes behind the error cc-505 and the best possible solution to fix. To fix error code cc-505 you just need to follow below-discussed steps or procedure

Causes of quicken error cc-505

  • Incomplete download and installation of Quicken software.
  • Due to poor network connectivity
  • Maybe the website of the Bank doesn’t work properly.
  • Windows framework documents or Quicken-related program records damaged by this error.
  • Another program erased Quicken-related documents by mistake.
  • When you add an account in Quicken and if you will receive a message “the account cannot be added” so it means the error CC-505 has occurred.

Now, We will discuss the steps that can remove our problem by fixing this error.

Before discussing the steps to fix this error, we have to make a backup of the data file because if there is a problem in the middle of the procedure then you can go back and start where you were.For make a backup file, 

  • You will open Quicken.
  • Go to the “backup” option for backup file.
  • Now, click on backup.

After that verify you have latest updated software or if not then check for updates and install.

How to fix quicken error cc-505

  1. Update Your Online Account Information
    • There will be an option of an account on the left side, click on it.
    • To register an account, you will see a gear icon on the top right, click on it.
    • Then click for update.
    • Now, they will ask you to enter the password for security.
    • Click on update.
  1. You, Will, Wait for 48 hours At Least
    • After waiting too long, you still face the same error again and again.
    • So don’t waste time, we only consider you to go for the next one.
  1. Connect With Your Bank 

After waiting 24 hours , you need to connect with your bank if you are still facing the same error even after updating your account so you have to take  help from them .You have to wait again for taking action from the bank side. If they don’t take action so you have to go for the next step.

  1. Deactivate and Reactivate Your Account
    Maybe now your problem will be solved by deactivating or reactivate your account,
    • For Deactivating, Go to the Tools and you will see a list of accounts under Tools.
    • Now click on the “Edit account” option.
    • Choose online services.
    • Then close and “ok” for confirmation.
    • Now for Reactivating, Go to the Tools to add an account.
    • Choose a type of account like you want.
    • You have to set up for advance in the lower-left corner.
    • Now, enter the name of your bank.
    • Go for next.
    • Choose a connection method And go for next.
    • They will ask you to enter your password and username.
    • Now Quickens searching for your bank account.
    • Then it’s time to reactivate your account.If you are reconnected with the accounts so you have to go to an existing account in Quickens .
    • Then, click on next.

After doing this, I don’t think that you will face the same error again but if you want more information regarding this error. If you have any suggestions and advice related to Quicken error cc-505 or any other then you can leave a comment.


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