How to fix Quickbooks Error Code 6144 82?
QuickBooks is impressive accounting software and its do wonders and also it’s loaded with full of exited features, which all make our work more easy and more accurate. It is developed by intuit which understands all the business needs very well. While working on QuickBooks is not easy . Sometimes some issue arises that needs to be handled immediately. One of these issues is QuickBooks error code 6144 82.
QuickBooks error code 6144 82 occurs when you try to open the company file which is already busy with some other application. This error mainly occurs when there is some problem in system configuration and with some problem in registry files.

Few users are not aware of this type of issue. Here we are going to discuss what is QuickBooks error code 6144 82 and its various aspects and its best possible troubleshooting steps.
QuickBooks error code 6144 82 which is among all the errors. It does not allow you to continue your work for that you need to resolve the issue. firstly you have to close the QuickBooks from every computer and need to disable the antivirus.
Indications of QuickBooks error code 6144 82
- When your running program crashes regularly
- When your system crashes
- Windows starts responding slowly
- When your system start hanging again and again
- When an error message prompts on your screen with the message QuickBooks error 6144 82.
Causes of QuickBooks error code 6144 82
- Installation is incomplete
- Corrupted files
- By mistake deletion in companies files
- When there is a network issue on the server
- Some many characters in the company name
- Someone blocking the connection
- When program files get damaged due to virus.
Before begin with fixing steps you need to take care of few things
- You need to close all QuickBooks application from all the systems
- You need to make sure all systems are properly shutdown
- Disable all the system security software
Steps to fix QuickBooks Error code 6144 82
Solution 1: update your Quickbooks
- Firstly open QuickBooks on your system
- Now go to help and then click on the update Quickbooks
- Then click on the update button
- Now you need to check for the update
- Then download the software update
- When an update is complete then close the QuickBooks window.
Solution 2: Start QuickBooks Services Option
- Firstly look for the services tab on the startup search menu
- Then the services list will be opened and then look for the QBCFMonitoring Service icon and after finding the icon, then click on the icon
- Now you need to verify the services startup type is in automatic mode
- It is not automatic, then verify the radio button and then click on the apply button and press the ok button.

Solution 3: Modify Account Type
- Firstly go to the control panel
- Then choose the user account icon
- Now click on the Add/Remove user account tab
- Then click on the QBDserviceuser32 icon and then modify the account type it must be in administrative mode

Solution 4: Copy the company file into a new folder
- Firstly go to the users and then click on the public icon
- Then choose the public documents tab and then select the intuit icon and then click on the QuickBooks icon
- After that choose the company file tab and note down the location of the company file
- After that make a new folder and then copy and paste the QuickBooks company file into this new folder.

Solution 5: Make inbound and outbound firewall rules
- Firstly go to the Firewall tab and then select the Firewall window option
- Then choose the advanced setting tab and then go to the inbound rules icon and then click on the new rules icon and then go to the port icon and then click on the nest button

- Similarly add ports for the outbound firewall rules.
Solution 6: Set Permissions
- Firstly open the QuickBooks
- Then go to the company tab and then select the user. Whom you want to give permission
- Now select the setup user and roles
- Now enter the password
- Then choose the username from the list
- Now you can change the role according to the specification.
Solution 7: Windows Repair Tool
- Firstly you need to download the Windows repair tool
- After that, you need to install the tool
- Now you need to scan the file. If there is an error occur that needs to be fixed
- At last, you need to fix the issue.
Solution 8: Rename.ND and.TLG files
- Firstly open QuickBooks
- Then go to the company file location and then search the.ND and.TLG files.
- After that finding the right clicks on the.ND and.TLG files for renaming the files
- Now you need to open the QuickBooks Database server manager
- To start the QuickBooks Database Server Manager
- Go to the start menu
- Then choose the program and then click on the QuickBooks
- Then choose the QuickBooks database server manager
- Now find the folder where QuickBooks is stored
- At last, firstly scan the file and then open the file.
Solution 9: Restore the files
- Firstly close QuickBooks
- Then on the server-side computer open the QuickBooks in multi-user mode
- Now choose the open or restore company file

- Now select the company file and go back
- Again choose the open the file in multi-user mode
- You need to verify that the hosting is On and go back to the file
- Then select the utilities

- After that click on the stop hosting multi-user access option
- Now you will see quickbooks file is accessible on the server-side computer
I hope this blog will help you to resolve the QuickBooks error code 6144 82. If still there is an error then you need to contact QuickBooks support number for expert advice.