How to pay payroll liabilities in QuickBooks online

How to pay payroll liabilities in QuickBooks online?

December 17, 2022

In this article, I am going to tell you about what is liabilities and how can pay liabilities in QuickBooks online. In this, we will know about steps about paying payroll liabilities. Many companies use Quickbooks online to pay liabilities because it is easy to pay and here you can keep a record of the payment you pay and received and the amount which you have to pay. So Quickbooks online is easy to pay payroll liabilities. 

What are Payroll Liabilities?

Payroll liabilities are many types of tax that the company owes but has not paid. A payroll liability can include an employee’s wages that the worker has worked and earned but he didn’t get, charges kept from representatives, and other taxes and payments related to Payroll. If you are an employer then you should know that which payroll liabilities you are responsible for and you must pay these liabilities at your future date. These are barely noticeable. And there are many types of liabilities related to payroll like employee wages, payroll taxes.

Steps of paying payroll Liabilities in QuickBooks Online:

Assuming you are making installments for Payroll liabilities and allowances from your worker’s finance utilizing QuickBooks Online, you really should utilize the right segment to record your installment. In this simple-to-follow guide, we’ll walk you through every one of the important advances so you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing everything is done accurately.

Now come to steps for paying payroll liabilities in QuickBooks Online:

Steps 1: First Open Quickbooks online and log in your ID in Quickbooks Online.

Steps 2: After login moves your cursor on taxes which is shown there.

Steps 3: After visiting on taxes column now you will be seeing two tabs sales tax, payroll tax.

Steps 4: Now click on the payroll tax.

Steps 5: After clicking on payroll tax you will be seeing the column of taxes which you have to pay now pay any taxes which you want to pay.

What are the advantages of Paying Payroll Liabilities through QuickBooks Online:

Advantages are the things people need in everything without advantages we cannot do anything so in this also there are some advantages like:

  1. For paying payroll liabilities by using Quickbooks online you will save time.
  2. Here you will get digital records that cannot be lost. If a record needs in the future you will get it easily.
  3. There will be no mistake in paying.

These are some advantages that are present in paying payroll liabilities through Quickbooks Online.


In the above article, I have told many things related to How to pay Payroll liabilities in Quickbooks Online. By reading this article you will be able to pay payroll liabilities easily.

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